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漳州诏安移动螺杆空压机租赁厦门川野机械有限公司张经理:I59 8O88 5OI6。

  In general, due to the influence of operating environment in industrial use, when using lubricating oil, mobile machines often work abnormally due to the quality of oil products and environmental reasons, which requires mobile screw machines to put forward requirements for lubricating oil:
  1. The volume of movable screw and tank is small, the amount of lubricating oil is small, and the oil temperature is high when working, which requires that the lubricating oil has good thermal stability and oxidation resistance.
  2. 由于室外环境恶劣,煤尘、石尘、水等杂质对润滑油的污染是不可避免的,因此要求润滑油具有良好的防锈、防腐、抗乳化性能;要求润滑油被污染时,其性能变化不大,即对污染的敏感性应小;
  2. Because of the harsh outdoor environment, the pollution of coal dust, stone dust, water and other impurities on lubricating oil is inevitable, so the lubricating oil is required to have good anti-rust, anti-corrosion and anti-emulsification properties; when the lubricating oil is polluted, its performance changes little, that is, the sensitivity to pollution should be small;
  3. The temperature of the machine outdoors varies greatly in summer and winter, and the temperature difference between day and night in some areas is also large. Therefore, it is required that the viscosity of lubricating oil varies little with temperature. It is necessary not only to avoid high temperature and low oil viscosity, but also to avoid the formation of lubrication film, which should not play a role in lubrication, and to avoid the high viscosity when the temperature is too high, which makes the start-up and operation difficult.
  4. For some mobile screw machines, especially in environments prone to fire and explosion accidents, it is necessary to use good flame retardant lubricants instead of flammable mineral oil.
  5. Require lubricating oil to have good adaptability to the seal, so as not to cause damage to the seal.



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